Jannat is a 2008 Bollywood crime thriller film directed by Kunal Deshmukh. The film follows the story of Arjun, a street-smart gambler who becomes involved in the illegal world of cricket betting. As Arjun rises to the top of the betting world, he must face the consequences of his actions and confront his own morality. The film features strong performances from its lead actors, Emraan Hashmi and Sonal Chauhan, and a popular soundtrack by Pritam. The film's title song, "Jannat Jahan," became a chart-topping hit and is still remembered as one of Bollywood's most iconic songs. Jannat was a commercial success and helped to establish Emraan Hashmi as a leading actor in Bollywood. The film's depiction of the dark underbelly of the cricket world also sparked important conversations about corruption in sports.
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- Movie : Jannat
Artists : Emraan Hashmi, Sonal Chauhan
Music Label : Sony Music India
R-Date : 16 May 2008